1987/88 - 30 Year Reunion
The Bulldogs Reserves and Seniors teams of 1987/88 will be celebrating their 30 Year Reunion commencing on Friday the 13th July at 7 pm with welcome drinks at Seagulls Resort, Primrose Street, Belgian Gardens. Drinks at bar prices.

Saturday 14th. 12.30pm light lunch at Riverway Stadium, followed by Reserve and A grade games against Curra Swans. Also tour of old and new clubhouses during afternoon. After game drinks and catch up with Saturday arrivals. Light dinner available at clubhouse.
Sunday 15th. Recovery BBQ at John Finn's place. BYO refreshments.
Look forward to seeing everyone and we would appreciate if everyone can share this invite with who ever may be interested in catching up with all the geriatrics in attendance.
If you can attend and will be bringing anyone for Friday night drinks contact John Finn on 0439 640 432 to ensure there are enough refreshments to go around.